Please enjoy the attached gallery of Churchill's leavers it is by no means definitive but hopefully might raise a smile and serve as a reminder of how lucky the boys have been over the past five years. The gallery is based upon some favourite pictures I have been lucky enough to have had the chance to take.
I am sure I am not the only one to have become nostalgic as yet another milestone is passed and the countdown towards the end of the term and their time at the school comes to an end.
I apologise if I have missed anyone out! The photographs as non commissioned work are based upon opportunity and chance rather than favouritism!
Please enjoy!
I am sure I am not the only one to have become nostalgic as yet another milestone is passed and the countdown towards the end of the term and their time at the school comes to an end.
I apologise if I have missed anyone out! The photographs as non commissioned work are based upon opportunity and chance rather than favouritism!
Please enjoy!

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